Valuable Advice from Jim Rogers: "The following is an extract from the recent interview by Investment U with Jim Rogers. He shared with us his valuable experience in trading, which I think is the best advice for any value investor!
Jim Rogers: I would say one lesson we all need to learn is that after you’ve had a great success, you really should be very worried. Let’s say you sell and say you’ve made 10 times on your money. You should be extremely worried. You should close the curtains, not read, look at the TV, or anything because that’s when you’re full of hubris, arrogance, confidence. You think, “God, this is something easy,” and you’re desperate to jump around to something new. You should do your very best to avoid making another play until you’ve calmed down a lot. Just wait. It’s a very dangerous time for any investor.
Likewise, if you take a huge loss and there’s a big panic and things are dumped on your head because you’re overextended or wrong for whatever reason, calm down, don’t say, “I’m never gonna invest in stocks again or commodities or whatever.” That’s the time you really should be willing to invest again if you can gather together some capital money. The investments can be terribly emotional. You have to figure out a way to control your emotions and deal with your emotions if you’re going to survive in these markets.
My advice is that, most of the time, most investors should do nothing. They should look out the window or go to the beach. You should wait until you see money lying in the corner and all you have to do is go over and pick it up. That’s how most investors should invest. The problem is we all think we need to jump around all the time and be jumping in and out and that’s not good.
We think we have to have investments. No, we don’t. If I said you could only have 25 investments in your whole lifetime or if there was some way to limit you to 25, you would be extremely careful. You wouldn’t be jumping around doing all sorts of strange things. Patience is what most investors need to learn. You don’t have to be doing things all the time. Most of the time the best thing is to do nothing. You just sit with what you have as an investment and let it ride or sit and wait until you see someone sitting in the corner.
Most of the time – unless you’re a short-term trader and great at it. I’ve known some spectacular short-term traders. But for most investors, unless you’re one of those guys, then you should just do nothing. Do nothing. If you’re an investor, do nothing except re-examine what you have, and if you’re not investing, just continue to look until you find something.
Happy investing,
Pauline Yong
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Investment technique - Review Finance Stmt
-Review Qtr Finance Statement-
1) Ind Stock Announcement-Financial summary, Change of shareholding, Share buy-back, Entitlement, T. Right.
Note:ecmmoney has more financia summary list than m2u.
2) MASA news- Financial summary, Entitlement, T. Right,Chg in Shareholder, Share Buy back.
3) DJ News- Malaysia; Analyst Rating,comments,stocks; Malaysia Equities rpt; Earning, Economic;Srch by Stk code.
4)Latest Annoucement
5)Bursa-Company Qtr report, Annual Report.
6) Research from Broker firm
***************************************Activities*************************************** Step 1-Searching
-Stock picking from Bursa Annoucement (Chg of Shareholder, Share buy back), Dow Jone newswire (Analyst stock rating), Blogger, online news station, newspaper and Magazine.
Step 2-Individual stock focus
-Bursa company annoucement on Financial summary, Chg of Share Holder, Shr buy back & Entitlement.
-Bursa company qtr report (income stmt i.e P&L, BS & Cash flow stmt), NTA per share, EPS, Debt to Eqty ratio & Current ratio.
-Bursa company annual Rpt- Business Backgroup, Director profiles, Director comment, Group org Chart, P&L, BS & CF stmt.
-Dowe Jone newswire stock search.
-Investment blog and Forums.
-Compare Fundamental of stocks in the same sector via the CIMB*iTrade Cross border portal.
-Cover by Broker firm Reseach
-Search on other online site like itradecimb(cross border), reuters, google Finance & Yahoo finance, The EDGE (PM), TheStar & Btimes online, Sahamas Forum.
1) Ind Stock Announcement-Financial summary, Change of shareholding, Share buy-back, Entitlement, T. Right.
Note:ecmmoney has more financia summary list than m2u.
2) MASA news- Financial summary, Entitlement, T. Right,Chg in Shareholder, Share Buy back.
3) DJ News- Malaysia; Analyst Rating,comments,stocks; Malaysia Equities rpt; Earning, Economic;Srch by Stk code.
4)Latest Annoucement
5)Bursa-Company Qtr report, Annual Report.
6) Research from Broker firm
***************************************Activities*************************************** Step 1-Searching
-Stock picking from Bursa Annoucement (Chg of Shareholder, Share buy back), Dow Jone newswire (Analyst stock rating), Blogger, online news station, newspaper and Magazine.
Step 2-Individual stock focus
-Bursa company annoucement on Financial summary, Chg of Share Holder, Shr buy back & Entitlement.
-Bursa company qtr report (income stmt i.e P&L, BS & Cash flow stmt), NTA per share, EPS, Debt to Eqty ratio & Current ratio.
-Bursa company annual Rpt- Business Backgroup, Director profiles, Director comment, Group org Chart, P&L, BS & CF stmt.
-Dowe Jone newswire stock search.
-Investment blog and Forums.
-Compare Fundamental of stocks in the same sector via the CIMB*iTrade Cross border portal.
-Cover by Broker firm Reseach
-Search on other online site like itradecimb(cross border), reuters, google Finance & Yahoo finance, The EDGE (PM), TheStar & Btimes online, Sahamas Forum.
Monday, May 23, 2011
YTL Cement
YTL Cement: "Construction materials are some of the items to be benifited from the ETP and to be specific Greater KL. If the above are successful implemented, Malaysia construction or infrastructure industry set to pick up or boom. My opinion is good time to buy YTL Cement with reasonable valuation. Talk in detail later
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Setia Alam: Medium Low Cost Akasia Apartmentâ-part-2/
Setia Alam: Medium Low Cost Akasia Apartment – Part 1
Looking for medium low cost apartment? Akasia Apartment, the latest apartment for sale in Setia Alam was launched on 12th September 2009. The project is developed by SP Setia Berhad, the best property developer in Malaysia. Visit their sales gallery asap, they are selling fast!
Features of Akasia Apartment
Medium low cost apartment
220 units
2 car parks
Built up: 825 sq. ft. (Type A and Type B)
Panel bank: MBSM (100% financing)
Free dryer
Selling Price
Level 1 (Ground floor) – RM72,000 + RM31,200 (upgrade package)
Level 2 (1st floor) – RM72,000 + RM31,200 (upgrade package)
Level 3 (2nd floor) – RM72,000 + RM31,200 (upgrade package)
Level 4 (3rd floor) – RM70,000 + RM31,200 (upgrade package)
Level 5 (4th floor) – RM68,000 + RM31,200 (upgrade package)
Upgrade Package:
2 car parks
Ceramic tiles for living, dining and all bedrooms
The staffs of SP Setia Berhad have taken up almost all the units from level 1 to level 3 (ground floor to 2nd floor) before the project was open for public.
Malaysia Building Society Berhad (MBSB) is offering home loan margin of 105% (inclusive of MRTA) and 100% loan for upgrade package exclusively for home buyers of Akasia Apartment.
There are two SPA (sales & purchase agreement) will be signed; one for the unit, another one for upgrade package.
For more information, please visit Setia Alam website
Setia Alam: Medium Low Cost Akasia Apartment – Part 2
No money to invest property? Where to invest property with zero down payment? Akasia Apartment, the latest project at Setia Alam is now fully financed by MBSB.
It means 100% home loan. No down payment is required. Is it a good buy for investment? Below are some of my reviews on Akasia Apartment:
Case Study: Akasia Apartment, Precinct 6, Setia Alam
Higher Interest Rates of MBSB Home Loan – High Installment
MBSB Conventional Home Loan (Bank Panel)
Loan Amount: RM103,200 (RM72,000 + RM31,200)
Interest Rate: 6.05% (ECOF + 0.5%)*Assumes flat rate
Loan Tenure: 30 years
Monthly Installment: RM622
CIMB Bank Home Loan (Loan Amount below RM100k)
google_protectAndRun("render_ads.js::google_render_ad", google_handleError, google_render_ad);
Loan Amount: RM103,200 (RM72,000 + RM31,200)
Interest Rate: 3.50% (BLR – 2.05%)
Loan Tenure: 30 years
Monthly Installment: RM463
Units Available at High Level 4 & 5 Only – Less Rental Income
For 5 storey walk-up apartment, there are usually different of 20% – 30% on rental rates for unit between level 5 (highest) and level 1 (lowest). Unit at lower floor always carry better rental fee. It is different story for those high-rise apartments or condominiums come with lift service; the unit at higher level with better view is more demandable but not really affects the rental fee much.
Difficulty of Financing for Sub-sales Buyer – Less Demand
Two S&P agreements are compulsory to be signed for unit and upgrade package. It is a bit tricky for me. Will sub-sales buyer able to secure a home loan for an ‘upgrade package’ from bank in future? Else, any buyer is willing to pay RM31,200 in cash for the ‘upgrade package’ and another 10% down payment for the apartment?
Will you invest in Akasia Apartment? Welcome for your sharing here.â-part-2/
Setia Alam: Medium Low Cost Akasia Apartment – Part 1
Looking for medium low cost apartment? Akasia Apartment, the latest apartment for sale in Setia Alam was launched on 12th September 2009. The project is developed by SP Setia Berhad, the best property developer in Malaysia. Visit their sales gallery asap, they are selling fast!
Features of Akasia Apartment
Medium low cost apartment
220 units
2 car parks
Built up: 825 sq. ft. (Type A and Type B)
Panel bank: MBSM (100% financing)
Free dryer
Selling Price
Level 1 (Ground floor) – RM72,000 + RM31,200 (upgrade package)
Level 2 (1st floor) – RM72,000 + RM31,200 (upgrade package)
Level 3 (2nd floor) – RM72,000 + RM31,200 (upgrade package)
Level 4 (3rd floor) – RM70,000 + RM31,200 (upgrade package)
Level 5 (4th floor) – RM68,000 + RM31,200 (upgrade package)
Upgrade Package:
2 car parks
Ceramic tiles for living, dining and all bedrooms
The staffs of SP Setia Berhad have taken up almost all the units from level 1 to level 3 (ground floor to 2nd floor) before the project was open for public.
Malaysia Building Society Berhad (MBSB) is offering home loan margin of 105% (inclusive of MRTA) and 100% loan for upgrade package exclusively for home buyers of Akasia Apartment.
There are two SPA (sales & purchase agreement) will be signed; one for the unit, another one for upgrade package.
For more information, please visit Setia Alam website
Setia Alam: Medium Low Cost Akasia Apartment – Part 2
No money to invest property? Where to invest property with zero down payment? Akasia Apartment, the latest project at Setia Alam is now fully financed by MBSB.
It means 100% home loan. No down payment is required. Is it a good buy for investment? Below are some of my reviews on Akasia Apartment:
Case Study: Akasia Apartment, Precinct 6, Setia Alam
Higher Interest Rates of MBSB Home Loan – High Installment
MBSB Conventional Home Loan (Bank Panel)
Loan Amount: RM103,200 (RM72,000 + RM31,200)
Interest Rate: 6.05% (ECOF + 0.5%)*Assumes flat rate
Loan Tenure: 30 years
Monthly Installment: RM622
CIMB Bank Home Loan (Loan Amount below RM100k)
google_protectAndRun("render_ads.js::google_render_ad", google_handleError, google_render_ad);
Loan Amount: RM103,200 (RM72,000 + RM31,200)
Interest Rate: 3.50% (BLR – 2.05%)
Loan Tenure: 30 years
Monthly Installment: RM463
Units Available at High Level 4 & 5 Only – Less Rental Income
For 5 storey walk-up apartment, there are usually different of 20% – 30% on rental rates for unit between level 5 (highest) and level 1 (lowest). Unit at lower floor always carry better rental fee. It is different story for those high-rise apartments or condominiums come with lift service; the unit at higher level with better view is more demandable but not really affects the rental fee much.
Difficulty of Financing for Sub-sales Buyer – Less Demand
Two S&P agreements are compulsory to be signed for unit and upgrade package. It is a bit tricky for me. Will sub-sales buyer able to secure a home loan for an ‘upgrade package’ from bank in future? Else, any buyer is willing to pay RM31,200 in cash for the ‘upgrade package’ and another 10% down payment for the apartment?
Will you invest in Akasia Apartment? Welcome for your sharing here.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
FREE Financial Widgets for your Websites/Blogs
FREE Financial Widgets for your Websites/Blogs: "1-million-dollar-blog would like to offer FREE financial widgets such as calculators and charts to all readers who want to embed on their websites or blogs. I hope this will be useful to your readers. The widgets are delivered through high performance MaxCDN Content Delivery Network. As such, you do not have to worry about widget [...]
[[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]
[[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Turtle bought 8,000 shares of EA Holding
Turtle bought 8,000 shares of EA Holding: "KLCI = 1,523.
Bought 8,000 shares of EA Holding at $ 0.405/share.
Malaysia Finance blog has done all the heavy lifting job analyzing the company. All Turtle needs to do is to wait for the right timing and opportunity.
Bought 8,000 shares of EA Holding at $ 0.405/share.
Malaysia Finance blog has done all the heavy lifting job analyzing the company. All Turtle needs to do is to wait for the right timing and opportunity.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Calulation infor
Monday, May 2, 2011
JAPAN suffered one of the biggest property market collapses in modern history.
To be sure, there are several major differences between Japan in the 1980's and the United States today. One is the fact that property prices rose much faster and more steeply in Japan, partly because speculators used paper profits from a booming stock market to invest in property, insupportably leveraging the prices of both higher and higher.
Another difference is that the biggest speculators in Japan's frenzy were deep-pocketed corporations, and they pumped up the commercial property market at the same time that home prices were inflating.
Then came the crashes in both stocks and property, after the Japanese central bank moved too aggressively to raise interest rates. Both markets spiraled downward as investors sold stocks to cover losses in the land market, and vice versa, plunging prices into a 14-year trough, from which they are only now starting to recover.
Homeowners were among the biggest victims of the Japanese real estate bubble. In Japan's six largest cities, residential prices dropped 64 percent from 1991 to last year. By most estimates, millions of homebuyers took substantial losses on the largest purchase of their lives.
As a result, Japan's property market in the 1980's was much more fragile than America's today, Professor Noguchi said. And when the market fell, it fell hard. Because of all the corporate speculation, the collapse wiped out company balance sheets, crippled the nation's banks and gave the overall economy a blow to the chin.
Since 1991, Japan has spent 11 years sliding in and out of recession. It is only now showing meaningful signs of recovering, with the World Bank forecasting that Japan's economy will grow by a solid 2.2 percent this year
Property Investing...First Japan, Then US and Now Asia...
Property Investing...First Japan, Then US and Now Asia...: "Found this interesting article written in 2005 when US housing market was debated whether a dejavu would happen, mirroring the Lost Decade in the Japanese housing market in the 1990s.
Pay attention to the following notes that I'm sure ring the bell among us today:-
- Then came the crashes in both stocks and property, after the Japanese central bank moved too aggressively to raise interest rates. [The days of rising interest rates are already here; heightened inflation and easy money policy today will accelerate the pace a lot more faster in time to come.]
- Homeowners were among the biggest victims of the Japanese real estate bubble. In Japan's six largest cities, residential prices dropped 64 percent from 1991 to last year. [When prices deviate too far away from its intrinsic value, any asset for the matter will also drop in prices.]
- Their experiences contain many warnings. One is to shun the sort of temptations that appear in red-hot real estate markets, particularly the use of risky or exotic loans to borrow beyond one's means. Another is to avoid property that may be hard to unload when the market cools.[We now have plenty of exotics offers from banks and developers to own properties e.g. 0% down payment- swipe a 5% down payment with your credit card and do a balance transfer at 0% for 6 months, no principal repayment until vacant possession, some even without interest service, few with even no repayment 2 years after vacant possession, massive discount of 7-10% upfront and more. Loan tenure up to age 70-75 is easily available as though Malaysia Inc are ready to take employees in their 60s and 70s...LOL. The fact is that people in their late 40s or 50s today are deemed as old fittings in a corporation where the Management desires to replace them with young blood anytime. Besides, many are willing to look beyond prime areas e.g. Cyberjaya, Semenyih, Rawang etc and maybe Bukit Beruntung again?]
- Most of all, economists say, Japan's experience teaches the need to be skeptical of that fundamental myth behind all asset bubbles: that prices will keep rising forever. [The strong belief that property is the exception here. Our many "successful" property investors in their 20s and 30s today have only seen this in stock market and not property market. That's why property market is the only "Superman" among all asset classes.]
- Like their United States counterparts today, too many Japanese homebuyers overextended their debt, buying property that cost more than they could rationally afford because they assumed that values would only rise. [Many property investors hold multiple properties on loans today, some beyond their affordability.]
- 'During a bubble, people don't believe that prices will fall,' he said. 'This has been proven wrong so many times in the past. But there's something in human nature that makes us unable to learn from history.' [Even with US housing market collapse in front of our naked eyes also not sufficient to do the job!]
- 'People were in a rush to buy, and at extraordinary prices. I saw this same haste psychology in Japan' in the 1980's. 'The classic definition of a bubble,' he added, 'is people buying on false expectations about future prices, and buying with the hope of selling in the future.' [The expectation of higher property prices is so so strong today. Buying property in Asia today is like 'Now or never'.]
- In the 1980's, the expectation of rising real estate prices made many Japanese homebuyers feel comfortable about taking on huge debt. And they did so by using exotic loans that required little money upfront and that promised low monthly payments, at least for a short time.[Buy with minimal down payment and sell for a 30-50% gain upon completion in the next 2-3 years hoping that prices will keep rising at at least the same pace as what they have seen the last 2-3 years. No one intends to hold property for rental, all ready to sell assuming there are always ready buyers out there. Today, banks are willing to take more than 50% of your gross income plus rental income plus other deposits you have into the calculation of maximum loan they are willing to lend to property investors. Previously they took only circa 35%.]
- A similar pattern is found today in the United States, where the methods include interest-only mortgages, which allow homebuyers to repay no principal for a few years. Japan had its own versions of these loans, including the so-called three-generation loan, a 90- or even 100-year mortgage that permitted buyers to spread payments out over their lifetimes and those of their children and grandchildren. [Singapore has this.]
The sub-prime happened 3 years after this article in 2008; while we are fuelling the property bubble that many still deny, the days are numbered before the same thing happen again. The difference is that history keeps repeating only in different areas and different generation... I expect the next major economic crisis to hit us back in Asia, to be led by China and Australia (see graph below).

Pay attention to the following notes that I'm sure ring the bell among us today:-
- Then came the crashes in both stocks and property, after the Japanese central bank moved too aggressively to raise interest rates. [The days of rising interest rates are already here; heightened inflation and easy money policy today will accelerate the pace a lot more faster in time to come.]
- Homeowners were among the biggest victims of the Japanese real estate bubble. In Japan's six largest cities, residential prices dropped 64 percent from 1991 to last year. [When prices deviate too far away from its intrinsic value, any asset for the matter will also drop in prices.]
- Their experiences contain many warnings. One is to shun the sort of temptations that appear in red-hot real estate markets, particularly the use of risky or exotic loans to borrow beyond one's means. Another is to avoid property that may be hard to unload when the market cools.[We now have plenty of exotics offers from banks and developers to own properties e.g. 0% down payment- swipe a 5% down payment with your credit card and do a balance transfer at 0% for 6 months, no principal repayment until vacant possession, some even without interest service, few with even no repayment 2 years after vacant possession, massive discount of 7-10% upfront and more. Loan tenure up to age 70-75 is easily available as though Malaysia Inc are ready to take employees in their 60s and 70s...LOL. The fact is that people in their late 40s or 50s today are deemed as old fittings in a corporation where the Management desires to replace them with young blood anytime. Besides, many are willing to look beyond prime areas e.g. Cyberjaya, Semenyih, Rawang etc and maybe Bukit Beruntung again?]
- Most of all, economists say, Japan's experience teaches the need to be skeptical of that fundamental myth behind all asset bubbles: that prices will keep rising forever. [The strong belief that property is the exception here. Our many "successful" property investors in their 20s and 30s today have only seen this in stock market and not property market. That's why property market is the only "Superman" among all asset classes.]
- Like their United States counterparts today, too many Japanese homebuyers overextended their debt, buying property that cost more than they could rationally afford because they assumed that values would only rise. [Many property investors hold multiple properties on loans today, some beyond their affordability.]
- 'During a bubble, people don't believe that prices will fall,' he said. 'This has been proven wrong so many times in the past. But there's something in human nature that makes us unable to learn from history.' [Even with US housing market collapse in front of our naked eyes also not sufficient to do the job!]
- 'People were in a rush to buy, and at extraordinary prices. I saw this same haste psychology in Japan' in the 1980's. 'The classic definition of a bubble,' he added, 'is people buying on false expectations about future prices, and buying with the hope of selling in the future.' [The expectation of higher property prices is so so strong today. Buying property in Asia today is like 'Now or never'.]
- In the 1980's, the expectation of rising real estate prices made many Japanese homebuyers feel comfortable about taking on huge debt. And they did so by using exotic loans that required little money upfront and that promised low monthly payments, at least for a short time.[Buy with minimal down payment and sell for a 30-50% gain upon completion in the next 2-3 years hoping that prices will keep rising at at least the same pace as what they have seen the last 2-3 years. No one intends to hold property for rental, all ready to sell assuming there are always ready buyers out there. Today, banks are willing to take more than 50% of your gross income plus rental income plus other deposits you have into the calculation of maximum loan they are willing to lend to property investors. Previously they took only circa 35%.]
- A similar pattern is found today in the United States, where the methods include interest-only mortgages, which allow homebuyers to repay no principal for a few years. Japan had its own versions of these loans, including the so-called three-generation loan, a 90- or even 100-year mortgage that permitted buyers to spread payments out over their lifetimes and those of their children and grandchildren. [Singapore has this.]
The sub-prime happened 3 years after this article in 2008; while we are fuelling the property bubble that many still deny, the days are numbered before the same thing happen again. The difference is that history keeps repeating only in different areas and different generation... I expect the next major economic crisis to hit us back in Asia, to be led by China and Australia (see graph below).
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Turbo-charged version of its 1.6-litre Campro engine for the Exora MPV in the third quarter of this year.
Meanwhile, Proton plans to introduce a turbo-charged version of its 1.6-litre Campro engine for the Exora MPV in the third quarter of this year.
“This turbo-charged engine will also be in future Proton models,” Syed Zainal said, adding that the company was also finalising a project team for its small car collaboration with Nissan.
He said the Proton Exora hybrid was in the final stages of testing and validation in Britain.
“There is another two weeks to go. After that, we will deliver the cars to the Malaysian government and selected customers for fleet testing.
If everything goes well, the Exora hybrid will be sold to the public next year.”
Meanwhile, Proton plans to introduce a turbo-charged version of its 1.6-litre Campro engine for the Exora MPV in the third quarter of this year.
“This turbo-charged engine will also be in future Proton models,” Syed Zainal said, adding that the company was also finalising a project team for its small car collaboration with Nissan.
He said the Proton Exora hybrid was in the final stages of testing and validation in Britain.
“There is another two weeks to go. After that, we will deliver the cars to the Malaysian government and selected customers for fleet testing.
If everything goes well, the Exora hybrid will be sold to the public next year.”
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